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Grades 9 - 10

students reading book for the launchpad program

LaunchPad Program

2024-25 Academic Year: registration is now open! Request a call-back from Admissions to learn more.

The LaunchPad Program has been designed and implemented to set Blyth Academy students apart and propel them into the future with skills and knowledge to gain success.

About the Program

The LaunchPad Program is the defining character of the Grades 9 & 10 experience at Blyth Academy. It is a full-year, daily program designed to explore and develop students’ academic, social, leadership, and community skills. Highlights include:

  • 440 hours of programming with NO compromise to a full, traditional Ontario Curriculum. This program is in addition to the core course curriculum.
  • Students earn an extra credit in each grade:
    • Grade 9: Learning Strategies (GLS1O)
    • Grade 10: Leadership (GPP3O)
  • Teaching what schools typically don’t teach: how to learn, how to take notes, life skills, financial literacy, social skills, adventuring and more.
  • The program teacher remains consistent all year; they are each student’s home base and every parent’s go-to.
  • With a careful blend of routine and spontaneity, students find academic and personal success.

Want to become a Blyth Academy student?

Our Admissions Team can help! Reach out to us today.

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Pillars of the Program & Activity Examples


The LaunchPad Program is not a standard high school course. It is varied, energetic, and sparks passion!

  • Art, Cooking, Games & competitions, Storytelling.


Students complete personality inventories and become action researchers on their own learning. They look at their current and alternative ways of responding to emotions, to others, and to their environments.

  • Mindfulness meditation, Personal goal setting, Research projects on mental illnesses/labels/physical illness.


We find connections and causes near and far to broaden our awareness. Mentors, elders, service learning and volunteerism all play a role.

  • Intergenerational connections (ex. Visiting retirement homes), Food banks, Fundraising campaigns.


Within our school and city, and well beyond in nature, students will venture and wonder collaboratively.

  • Learn life skills (flat tire, oil change, laundry), Outdoor cleanup (e.g. ravine, park, etc), Neighbourhood exploration.


Support and Learning Strategies, Organization skills, and a full Ontario credit for both years of the LaunchPad Program. We are teaching exactly what schools often miss!

  • Homework help sessions, Research organization, Note taking, Time management strategies, Exam/test prep, Academic skills inventory, Basic keyboarding, Email etiquette, Weekly planning & prioritizing.


A positive exercise and nutrition routine blends well with our footprint and our relationship to our environments.

  • Recycling program, Nutritional analysis & meal planning, Yoga, Outdoor education.


Aligned with best practices in Math, the program includes a broad and impactful study of real-life financial products and awareness.

  • Budgeting & life-skills (e.g. groceries/cooking), Credit vs Debit, Mortgages vs Rent, Canadian & global economy, and Investments.

Sample LaunchPad Class Schedule

Monday Academic Support & Financial Literacy
Tuesday Self-Discovery & Guidance Course Work
Wednesday Exercise & Wellness
Thursday Genius Hour & Exploring New Topics
Friday Community Outreach