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A Letter From Your Principal

A Letter From Your Principal

Dear Blyth Academy Families

I hope this finds you and your family well. It is a difficult time but as a community we can support each other.

It has been an eventful week. We have seen lots of success—happy students, engaging classes, and teachers and students adapting to the new virtual classroom. The highlight of my day is going into the classes and seeing the students. They are eager to share their experiences with me. I know that Ms. Karai and Ms. Daminato feel the same. I also recognize that this may be challenging for the students. Reach out to the teachers and staff if there is anything we can do to help with the students’ education.

One of the initiatives of our school is to become a certified Ecoschool. One of the events celebrated by Ecoschools is Earth Hour. This takes place this Saturday at 8:30 pm. Our Photography and Foundations classes have been asked to take part in this initiative and take photos of themselves during this time. Other students are also encouraged to participate. Here is the link for more information:

Thank you for your patience, support, and understanding as we transition into our new current reality.

Lorie Guest