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Blyth Academy London Newsletter Term Three 2020

Blyth Academy London Newsletter Term Three 2020

The beginning of this Term started out like any other; students were engaged in the classroom, the hallways were bustling, and experiential learning was happening in and around the campus. Today, we find ourselves in a much different situation — students are continuing their same classes and activities, but they now come together and connect with teachers and classmates through our virtual classrooms. While teaching and learning continues to be disrupted across the province, we are fortunate that our staff and teachers have worked hard to make Blyth Academy London’s virtual classroom model a success. With the extended closure, we are committed to continuing the same small class sizes and personalized education that our students and families expect. Live virtual classes, office hours, guidance support and even extracurricular activities have continued through our virtual tools. In these uncertain times, we believe that our students benefit greatly from the structure, social interaction and support their school provides them.

Here are a few highlights from Term Three at Blyth Academy London.


Mental Health Week
As part of the Student Council led Mental Health Week, students and staff left positive notes to each other on the wall. What a nice way to start Term Three!

Blyth Academy London - Mental Health Week

International Club
Our International Club made wonderful Chinese dumplings to share with their peers. Everyone loved them!




Math Class
Mrs. Devine does a great job of assisting the highest number of students in her math class as possible at any given time by utilizing her wall-to-wall whiteboards and having half of the class do problems on the board and half work at their desks. It is amazing to see math everywhere when you visit her class!




Foundations Class: Class Pet
Our Foundations Class has adopted a school pet. Meet Rockie, our Leopard Gecko. The class is learning a great deal about the behaviors of the Leopard Gecko and how to establish the very best habitat that they can.



International Pink Shirt Day
February 26 was International Pink Shirt Day. Our students and staff enjoyed wearing their pink gear that day because we stand up and speak out against bullying every day!







Eco Schools Initiative
The Foundations Class has officially started the Eco Wall mural that they are doing for us in honour of our new EcoSchool initiatives. It’s going to be so nice.




Virtual McBeth
Grade 10 English class kept Macbeth alive in virtual classes with collective role-play reading. They are staying apart together. Nothing can stop Blyth Academy students and teachers!

Blyth Academy Etobicoke Virtual Class

Staying Connected While Staying Apart
In order to emphasize our togetherness during this time of being apart, Blyth Academy London students and staff participated in Hat Day during virtual classes.





Blyth Academy London students and staff participate in the #IAMSTAYINGHOMEFOR campaign by sharing who they are staying home for.