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Six Blyth Academy students selected in the 2022 NHL Draft

Six Blyth Academy students selected in the 2022 NHL Draft

Ty Nelson, former student from Blyth Academy Downsview Park for Elite Athletics, was drafted by the Seattle Kraken 68th overall in the 2022 NHL Draft. As part of the Advanced Hockey Program at Blyth Academy Downsview Park from 2016-2020, Ty was able to focus on hockey training and academics, allowing him to exceed in both areas.

“Ty and the Nelson Family are very grateful to Blyth Academy Downsview Park for a phenomenal five years. From the front office to the hockey instructors, the teachers and student athletes. We couldn’t have asked for a better environment and experience for our son.” said Ty’s Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. “A large part of Ty’s success in being drafted 1st overall in the OHL and now realizing his dream of hearing his name called in the NHL draft is due to the commitment and development at Blyth Academy Downsview Park and its Advanced Hockey Program. Our son is truly blessed to be a Blyth Academy Alumni!”

The Advanced Hockey Program concentrates on individual skill development held daily on-ice before the academic school day, led by our professional instructors who are AAA, Jr. A, and OHL coaches. In the classroom, students are part of small classes which allows for one-on-one support in every subject. Two courses per term structure for high school students helps students like Ty focus on two subjects at a time, allowing for better understanding of course material as well as flexible schedules and room for extra curriculars and sports training.

“We are so proud of Ty for all of his academic and athletic accomplishments. We have been able to see Ty grow from a Grade 7 student-athlete to the incredible individual he is today. Ty is an incredible student-athlete. He radiates positivity, hard work and is a fantastic role model, always going out of his way to make a difference in the lives of others! We wish Ty the best of luck in his next chapter!” said Adam Hurley, principal of Blyth Academy Downsview Park.

Fellow student, Stephen Halliday, was drafted 104th overall in the 2022 NHL Draft to the Ottawa Senators. He was a student-athlete in the Advanced Hockey Program at Blyth Academy Downsview Park from 2016-2018.

“We are very proud of Stephen for all of his academic and athletic accomplishments. Stephen is an exceptional student-athlete with incredible potential. We have seen him grow into the man he is today as a student of ours in Grade 9 and Grade 10. We wish Stephen the greatest success in the next step of his academic and athletic journey!” said Adam Hurley.

Overall Blyth Academy saw six students/alumni drafted into this year’s 2022 NHL Draft including:

Click here for more information on the athletic programs at Blyth Academy Downsview Park.

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