Blyth Academy Students and Families,
I hope that all of you are continuing to stay healthy and well in these challenging circumstances.
As confirmed earlier today by the Minister of Education, schools will not be reopening on April 5. Following direction from the Ministry, all Blyth Academy campuses will remain closed until May. We will continue to follow the direction of the Ministry of Education and campuses will reopen once it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so. As always, we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
While teaching and learning continues to be disrupted across the Province, we are fortunate that our staff and teachers have worked hard to make Blyth Academy’s virtual classroom model a success. Feedback from students and parents following the first week of virtual classes has been outstanding and we value your continued support and participation.
With this extended closure, we are committed to continuing the same small class sizes and personalized education that you expect. Live virtual classes, office hours, guidance support and even extracurricular activities will continue through virtual tools. In these uncertain times, we believe that our students benefit greatly from the structure, social interaction and support their school provides them.
Our plans include continuing term three virtually, along with all of the usual processes for student report cards and information sharing with post-secondary institutions delivered on schedule. Planning for term four is underway with Principals and guidance staff working on finalizing courses and students’ schedules.
Please know that Blyth Academy is also able to assist your colleagues, neighbours, friends or family with navigating academic challenges caused by COVID-19 school closures. Our Principals and admissions team are always willing to discuss individual solutions. Term Four, starting April 23, summer school, private courses, night school or Blyth Academy Online are all options for those looking to complete credits or receive additional support.
Best regards,
Kathy Young
Chief Academic Officer, Blyth Academy