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A Letter From Your Principal

A Letter From Your Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

I have been principal of Blyth Academy @CIHA now for 5 years and, if limited to just one word, I would describe our school as “personal”. It’s what makes us special; we foster an environment in which every student is known and becomes part of that family. Relationships with the teachers and staff are warm and two-way. We know most of our students’ hobbies, favourite subjects, and even their challenges. I’m delighted and very proud of the fact that we have been able to maintain much of that “personal” element even though we now teach the boys virtually.

I’d like to thank my amazing staff, the students and the parents, for being so responsive and engaged in this new learning environment. Early feedback (and please keep it coming!) has been extremely positive and we are pleased to continue delivering our face-to-face programs to students. Attendance has been fantastic, and it’s critical that this continues for our student’s well-being.

We are now going into our 6th week of social distancing and this may be taking a toll on some of the boys. It’s important that they acknowledge the struggles they may be feeling and reach out if they need some additional support. We are here for them and any one of the staff would be happy to chat with your son if he is feeling down. Please let us know if you think your son would benefit from some additional support. Please know that the teachers will keep things upbeat as much as they can; that they are offering some energy, some normalcy, and some community every day.

I will continue to plan some extracurricular events for the boys over the next few weeks, so if you have any great suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

For now, please know that we are available, as always, for anything you may need. Emails are the best way to initiate conversations, and we can follow up by phone/zoom as well.

Take care,
Susan Kelly