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IDC4U Interdisciplinary Studies: Passion Projects – Grade 12 (University)

  • Grade 12

PREREQUISITE: Any University or University/College preparation course

GRADE: 12 (University)

AVAILABILITY: Blyth Academy Online

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUMInterdisciplinary Studies

CREDIT CROSSOVER: Although Interdisciplinary Studies courses focus on different subject matter, the IDC4U course code can only count as one credit on a student’s transcript, even if multiple courses are taken. For example, a student that has completed IDC4U – Artificial Intelligence and IDC4U – The Elite Athlete will only earn one credit in total on their final transcript. Each course (along with the final grade) will show, however, a credit value of zero will be applied to the second IDC4U course. This also applies to students using IDC4U as one of their top six marks when applying to university; one only course may be used as an achieved credit out of the six.

Course Overview

IDC4U Passion Projects allows students to examine and develop skills that transfer to multiple subject areas and develop critical thinking skills. This course is completely student-driven, allowing them to tailor it to their specific learning goals and passions. Students have the freedom to focus on a particular interest using the vast library of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that exist through a number of reputable institutions. Students will work with their selected MOOC as well as Blyth Academy Online to earn a high school credit (IDC4U – Interdisciplinary Studies). Students will meet the expectations of the Interdisciplinary Studies curriculum while simultaneously learning about a topic of personal interest, whether it be Financial Markets (offered by Yale University) or Machine Learning (offered by Stanford University).

Academic Research

Essential Question: How can I develop effective research and writing skills that are suitable for the post-secondary world?

In this unit, students will be introduced to effective and meaningful methods of research in a new, digital age. Gone is the reliance on books, and thoughtful and insightful online research is in. Students will explore how we evaluate online resources, how to properly cite material using the Chicago Manual of Style, and develop the building blocks for stronger analytical and written skills.

Passion Project Proposal

Essential Question: How can I further develop my own academic interests and find resources to support my future career goals?

In this unit, students will be introduced to the various MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses) that make up the IDC4U course. Students will make connections between their work in this course and their academic and career-related interests, and help develop strong pathways to post-secondary school. Students will also explore the concept of breadth requirements at the post-secondary level and work to develop a broader range and understanding of ideas that exist in academia. Finally, students will work to create projects that are tied to the three MOOC module units that make up this course and to the final assessment piece.

MOOC Module 1: Math and Science

Essential Question: Create your own Math and Science MOOC module essential question

In this module, students will begin to explore their first selected MOOC module, this focusing on math and science-related topics. While students are expected to dedicate the 25 hours of contact learning to the MOOC course, they will also have a number of check-in pieces within the D2L learning platform. Students will be expected to complete a number of discussion forum postings, a video seminar, a Padlet, and complete a one-page summary handout of the major concepts and topics that they learned in their courses. In the MOOCs, there are also a number of opportunities to engage in formative assessment activities, where students can test themselves on the content to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and materials; students will be expected to report back on their evaluation results. Finally, students will begin to make connections between the material content and their future academic and career aspirations and goals.

MOOC Module 2: Arts and Humanities

Essential Question: Create your own Arts and Humanities MOOC module essential question

In this module, students will begin to explore their second selected MOOC module, this focusing on arts and humanities related topics. While students are expected to dedicate the 25 hours of contact learning to the MOOC course, they will also have a number of check-in pieces within the D2L learning platform. Students will be expected to complete a number of discussion forum postings, a video seminar, a Padlet, and complete a one-page summary handout of the major concepts and topics that they learned in their courses. In the MOOCs, there are also a number of opportunities to engage in formative assessment activities, where students can test themselves on the content to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and materials; students will be expected to report back on their evaluation results. Finally, students will begin to make connections between the material content and their future academic and career aspirations and goals.

MOOC Module 3: Government and Society

Essential Question: Create your own Government and Society MOOC module essential question

In this module, students will begin to explore their final selected MOOC module, this focusing on government and society related topics. While students are expected to dedicate the 25 hours of contact learning to the MOOC course, they will also have a number of check-in pieces within the D2L learning platform. Students will be expected to complete a number of discussion forum postings, a video seminar, a Padlet, and complete a one-page summary handout of the major concepts and topics that they learned in their courses. In the MOOCs, there are also a number of opportunities to engage in formative assessment activities, where students can test themselves on the content to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and materials; students will be expected to report back on their evaluation results. Finally, students will begin to make connections between the material content and their future academic and career aspirations and goals.

Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions Page or the Exam section within your course for more details on final exams and the exam fee. More information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

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(1) Promotion ends February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Code is redeemable for one course only. Cannot be combined with other offers.

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