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HZT4U Philosophy: Questions & Theories – Grade 12 (University)

  • Grade 12

PREREQUISITE: Any university or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies

GRADE: 12 (University)

AVAILABILITY: Full-Time – All campuses, Part-Time – All Campuses, Private – All campuses, Blyth Academy Online

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUMSocial Science and Humanities

Course Overview

HZT4U online enables students to acquire an understanding of the nature of philosophy and philosophical reasoning skills and to develop and apply their knowledge and skills while exploring specialized branches of philosophy (the course will cover at least three of the following branches: metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, philosophy of science, social and political philosophy, aesthetics). Students will develop critical thinking and philosophical reasoning skills as they formulate and evaluate arguments related to a variety of philosophical questions and theories. In HZT4U online, students will also develop research and inquiry skills related to the study and practice of philosophy.

Research and Inquiry Skills & Philosophical Foundations

Essential Question: How do we know what is true? How does society influence philosophical thought?

In this unit, students will be introduced to a variety of topics related to philosophy as well as some of the major philosophical questions that have enticed philosophers for centuries. Students will also begin to learn about the nature of philosophy, that is, the main branches of philosophy as well as develop an understanding of the components of a philosophical argument.


Essential Question: What is the meaning of life? What is the self? Do we have free will?

In this unit, students will explore the branch of philosophy known as metaphysics which attempts to determine what exists and the basic structure of reality. Students will gain an understanding of some of the major questions of metaphysics such as “What are the ultimate constituents of reality?” “What is the meaning of life?” “What is the self?” and “Do we have free will?”


Essential Question: What is a "good" life? Are there objective standards for determining good and evil, right and wrong? Why should we act ethically?

In this unit, students will examine ethics. Ethics is the study of how we should live our lives and how we should treat others. Students will examine major philosophical questions such as “What is a good life?” “Are there objective standards for determining good and evil, right and wrong?” and “Why should we act ethically?”

Social and Political Philosophy

Essential Question: Do all people have the right to equal treatment? What limits, if any, should be put on the freedom of an individual citizen? What are an individual’s rights and responsibilities?

In this unit, students will explore social and political philosophy. Social and political philosophy is the study of the fundamental principles of society and the state. Major questions students will explore in this unit include “What are the just limits of state authority?” “Do all people have the right to equal treatment?” “What limits, if any, should be put on the freedom of an individual citizen?” and “What are an individual’s rights and responsibilities?”


Essential Question: What is beauty? What is art? Should art have social value, and, if so, how is its social value determined? Are aesthetic judgements subjective or objective?

In this unit, students will learn about Aesthetics. This branch of philosophy studies art and beauty. But, what is beauty? What is art? Throughout this unit students will explore major philosophical questions such as “Should art have social value, and, if so, how is its social value determined?” “Is art a uniquely human endeavour?” “Are aesthetic judgements subjective or objective?” and “Can propaganda be art?”

Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions Page or the Exam section within your course for more details on final exams and the exam fee. More information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

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