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HRT3M World Religions And Belief Traditions – Grade 11 (University/College)

  • Grade 11


GRADE:  11 (University/College)

AVAILABILITY: Full-time – All Campuses, Private – All campuses, Blyth Academy Online

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUMSocial Science and Humanities

Course Overview

HRT3M online provides students with opportunities to explore various world religions and belief traditions. Students will develop knowledge of the terms and concepts relevant to this area of study, will examine the ways in which religions and belief traditions meet various human needs, and will learn about the relationship between belief and action. In HRT3M online, students will examine sacred writings and teachings, consider how concepts of time and place influence different religions and belief traditions, and develop research and inquiry skills related to the study of human expressions of belief.

Why Religion?

Essential Question: What role does religion play in our lives?

In this unit, students will dig right into the why and how of religion in their modern lives. Students will familiarize themselves with some basic methodology for studying World Religions and some religious terminology. Students will also seek to learn why humans have religious beliefs, what questions religion seeks to answer and the basic differences between a scientific worldview and a religious one.

Religion, Cult and Culture

Essential Question: What are components of a religion? How does religion differ from a cult?

In this unit, students will continue their introduction to the vast process that is studying religion. Students will look at the different classifications/types of religious belief, the difference between religion and cults, the interaction between religion and culture, and the organization the units of study that explores the individual religions they will look at in this course.


Essential Question: What are the main beliefs and practices of Hinduism? What makes a place sacred?

In this unit, students will begin to explore one the oldest religions in the world, Hinduism. Students will learn about how Hinduism and its origins serve as the basis for many eastern religions, and how the connections between ancient ideas can have strong connections to modern ideas and existence. Students will also begin their experiential learning assignment Sacred Spaces.


Essential Question: What are the main beliefs and practices of Buddhism? How do religion share roots in their practices? 

In this unit, students will explore the Buddhist religion, noting it’s rich history and unique concepts about suffering and enlightenment, as well as its similarities and differences to Hinduism.


Essential Question: What are the main beliefs and practices of Judaism? What is the significance of the Holocaust? 

In this unit, students will learn about the Jewish faith. Judaism is oldest monotheistic religion and the root of all the Western Religions.


Essential Question: What are the main beliefs and practices of Christianity? 

In this unit, students will get a crash course in Christianity. As one of the most influential and far-reaching religions in the western world with approximately 2.1 billion followers, students will explore how its impacts cultural development, as well as how it has evolved over time.


Essential Question: What are the main beliefs and practices of Islam? 

In this unit, students will begin looking at the Islamic faith. Islam traces its roots back to Abraham, the Patriarch of Judaism, thus sharing a belief in the same God as Christians and Jews, and is the fastest growing world religion.


Essential Question: What are the main beliefs and practices of Sikhism? 

In this unit, students will have the opportunity to explore Sikhism using the skills and knowledge they have already acquired learning about other world religions throughout this course. Sikhism is the newest of the world religions students will be studying. It emerged in the Punjab which now falls into the present-day states of India and Pakistan. As such elements of Hinduism and Islam can be seen within this unique faith that blends Eastern and Western faith traditions.

Aboriginal Spiritualities

Essential Question: What are the main beliefs and practices in Aboriginal Spiritualities? 

In this unit, students will look at some of the aspects of Native/Aboriginal Spirituality as part of the rich history of Canadian. This faith tradition falls into the “Balance Tradition” category which aims to maintain balance and connectedness within themselves, their communities and the natural world.

Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions Page or the Exam section within your course for more details on final exams and the exam fee. More information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

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