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CPW4U Canadian & International Politics – Grade 12 (University)

  • Grade 12

PREREQUISITE: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and International studies, English, or social sciences and humanities

GRADE: 12 (University)

AVAILABILITY: Full-time – All Campuses, Private – All campuses, Blyth Academy Online

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUMCanadian and World Studies

Course Overview

CPW4U online explores various perspectives on issues in Canadian and International politics. Students will explore political decision-making and ways in which individuals, stakeholder groups, and various institutions, including different levels of government, multinational corporations, and non-governmental organizations, respond to and work to influence domestic and international developments. In CPW4U online, students will apply the concepts of political thinking and the political inquiry process to investigate current political policies, issues, and events, and to develop and communicate informed opinions about them.

Political Foundations

Essential Question: What are the conceptual and ideological bases of our current political institutions?

In this unit, students will be exploring the concepts and theories behind the political foundations here in Canada and internationally. Students will examine the structure of governments at home and abroad, as well as many of the theories that relate to our government structures. Students will also look at some of the practical applications of political theory and its relation to government actions, both historically and in a contemporary context. Finally, students will be looking at how things like religion, nationalism, and diplomacy impact the political system of a nation and the world.

Governments and Canadian & International Politics

Essential Question: How do governments really work, and why? How do political ideologies translate into concrete government structures?

In this unit, students will explore ideas and concepts related to the interaction between international governments and organizations. Students will explore ideas related to the classifications of nations and economic status; the role of intergovernmental organizations and how they interact with national governments; how treaties and agreements co-exist with national governments; and the role of foreign policy in the international community.

Non-Government Action on Canadian & International Political Issues

Essential Question: Is government the only way to change global politics? How do non-governmental entities affect policy?

In this unit, students will explore how individuals, groups, and organizations have the ability to make change in the world. Students will also learn about how local and international issues are connected and affect one another.

Rights and Powers in the International Community

Essential Question: What rights and powers to NGOs have on an international scale? How does the international community function?

In this unit, students will explore the powers of non-government actors and agents in the international community. Students will also explore the concept of human rights and how they are protected around the world.

Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions Page or the Exam section within your course for more details on final exams and the exam fee. More information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

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