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CLU3M Understanding Canadian Law – Grade 11 (University/College)

  • Grade 11

PREREQUISITE: Canadian History since World War I, Grade 10, Academic or Applied

GRADE:  11 (University/College)

AVAILABILITY: Full-time – All Campuses, Private – All campuses, Blyth Academy Online

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUMCanadian and World Studies

Course Overview

CLU3M online explores Canadian law, with a focus on legal issues that are relevant to the lives of people in Canada. Students will gain an understanding of rights and freedoms in Canada, our legal system, and family, contract, employment, tort, and criminal law. In CLU3M online, students will use case studies and apply the concepts of legal thinking and the legal inquiry process to develop legal reasoning skills and to formulate and communicate informed interpretations of legal issues, and they will develop the ability to advocate for new laws.

Legal Heritage

Essential Question: What societies have shaped Canadian legal institutions?

In this unit, students will develop an understanding of what law is and why societies have laws. An examination of the historical roots of Canadian law assists students to develop an understanding of the Canadian legal system. Students will examine the role of government, its agencies, and the courts in making, changing, or interpreting the law. Throughout the unit, students will incorporate many of the methods of legal inquiry.

Criminal Law

Essential Question: How has Canadian criminal law been influenced by the past? What defines a crime?

In this unit, students are introduced to the main concepts of criminal law in Canada. Students will first examine specific terms that govern both the existence and classification of crime. They will then apply some of those understandings to the study of youth crime and how Canadian society deals with this issue. Students will look at the investigation of crime and the role of police in investigation and arrest. An examination of the courts and trial process gives students a deeper understanding of the adversarial system and the roles of various officials and citizens in the court. Students will look at the decision-making process involved in sentencing criminals to prison, and the rights of victims in these situations.

Civil and Contract Law

Essential Question: What has influenced the development of civil law? How does civil law shape our society?

In this unit, students will study the structure of the Canadian private law system. The unit is divided into four areas of concentration. The sub-topics within the unit are organized in a manner that builds upon the understanding of the differences between criminal and civil law, which leads to an examination of how the processes, legal institutions, and methods involved in bringing a civil dispute to trial operate. This leads to an examination of how the law applies to family matters. Finally, students will analyze the role of law as it applies to contractual obligations, torts, and claims for compensation for personal loss. Students will continue to expand their skills of legal inquiry in this unit. This unit offers students an excellent opportunity to further develop research skills in the analysis and interpretation of data related to private and civil law.

Family Law

Essential Question: What constitutes family law? How does society shape family law? How has family law evolved? 

In this unit, students will examine family law in Canada and Ontario. The unit looks at the entire process of family law: common law relationships, marriages, marital breakdown, and the concerns of children within the family unit. Students will also further develop their understanding of the differences between public and private law; they will also see how family law and straddle both public and private law, especially when it comes to issues surrounding children. Students will analyze how to apply various laws and pieces of legislation to specific situations and see how different organizations operate within the sphere of family law. This unit offers students an opportunity to further develop their research, communication and presentation skills.

Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions Page or the Exam section within your course for more details on final exams and the exam fee. More information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

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