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ASM2O Media Arts – Grade 10 (Open)

  • Grade 10


GRADE: 10 (Open)

AVAILABILITY: Full-Time – All campuses, Private – All campuses, Blyth Academy Online


Course Overview

ASM2O online enables students to create media artworks by exploring new media, emerging technologies such as digital animation, and a variety of traditional art forms such as film, photography, video, and visual arts. Students will acquire communications skills that are transferable beyond the media arts classroom and develop an understanding of responsible practices related to the creative process. In ASM2O online, students will develop the skills necessary to create and interpret media artworks.

Building Foundations: What are media arts?

Essential Question: What is the history of communications? What are the Element & Principles of Design and Media Arts? What is plagiarism?

In this unit, students will research the world of Media Arts, discover the diversity of communications mediums and develop a vocabulary of terminology commonly used in the media industry. Students will be given an overview of the principles and elements of design, then learn and apply principles of media arts using a variety of media tools to experiment and transform an existing work from one of the contributing arts, and manifest their own creative works.

Throughout the process, students will learn proper use of terminology when referring to principles, elements and other key concepts related to the various arts disciplines. Students will also be given the tools to understand and apply conventions and responsible practices, such as copyright, plagiarism, safety, etc, when creating, presenting, and experiencing artworks.

Pre-production: Mass media influence & impact on society

Essential Question: What inventor's inventions impact on today's society? How has media propaganda influenced society?

In this unit, students will learn to better understand how media influences world society and will explore various media platforms (photography, radio, film, computers, video), the historical figures who invented them (i.e. Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Guglielmo Marconi), and how they were used to affect change in society (i.e. propaganda, subliminal perception, movies) and those who became world-renowned through their use of media (i.e. Charlie Chaplin, Adolf Hitler, Disney, Naom Chomsky).

Students may research, explore, experiment and employ a variety of material resources, mediums, technical tools and videos to research the historic path of technological inventors, their inventions and the socio-cultural context of the era.

Production: Applying principles & elements in media arts

Essential Question: What is digital software and how is it used? What is the Production Process? What are the different forms of Media production and how can you apply them to your project?

In this unit, students will communicate an understanding of how the arts inform, instruct and contribute to social change while designing and producing their own original media artworks on a specific theme that combines one or more of the media arts principles and elements. This is their introduction to exploring and using a variety media formats to create their own magical expressions that reflect who they are.

Through their creations, students will identify and describe initial responses to media artworks and demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process, by applying it to study works from various arts disciplines, as well as integrated artworks/productions.

Production: Troubleshooting & developing skills

Essential Question: What is Project Management? How do you organize a media tour? How do you write & produce a report?

In this unit, students will explore and engage a variety of traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, to produce their own inspired media artworks that reflect their life passion. Students will employ a variety of tracking tools to document their creative process. This record will be used for reflection and assessment of their understanding of the media communications industry.

With Tutor assistance, students will arrange field trips to areas of film, television/radio studios, museums (as available). These experiences will help students develop a deeper understanding of how creating, presenting and analyzing artworks has affected their personal, community and cultural values and identity as a Canadian.

Post-production: Piecing it together

Essential Question: What is the Post Production process and how do you complete your project? What are various production formats - video, web, print and audio production?

In this unit, students are ready to engage the phases of editing, fine-tuning productions, developing presentation skills and analyzing their creations. Students may work individually or collaboratively on their production and presentation.

In the process, students will identify and describe the adept skills, proficient work habits and character traits that may be developed throughout the multitude of artistic endeavours and careers available within the world of media-arts.

Production Presentation: distribution

Essential Question: How to market & present a Media Production! How do you target and market your production?

In this unit, students are moving through the final phases of production, presentation and distribution. Through their own media creations and exploration of an array of media, students have the opportunity to discover and describe how creating, presenting and analyzing a variety of artworks has affected their personal values, their awareness of the values of their community’s culture and those of other cultures.

With Tutor assistance students will arrange a field trip to a media studio unique to their previous experiences, to broaden their perspective.

Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions Page or the Exam section within your course for more details on final exams and the exam fee. More information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

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(1) Promotion ends February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Code is redeemable for one course only. Cannot be combined with other offers.

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